Journal Publications

・Deletion of IHH and NHEJ1 causes the dominant semi-lethal trait of the Creeper chicken.
Kinoshita K. †, Suzuki T. †, Koike M. †, Nishida C., Koike A. Nunome M., Umemura T. Ichiyanagi K., *Matsuda Y. († equal contribution) Communications Biology, 3, 144, PMID: 32214226 (2020.3)
・DNA methylation analysis of multiple imprinted DMRs in Sotos syndrome reveals IGF2-DMR0 as a DNA methylation-dependent, P0 promoter-specific enhancer.
Watanabe H, Higashimoto K, Miyake N, Morita S, Horii T, Kimura M, , Maeda T, Hidaka H, Aoki S, Yatsuki H, Okamoto N, Uemura T, Hatada I, Matsumoto N, *Soejima H. , 34, 960-973. PMID: 31914674 (2020.1)
・Identification of transgene integration site and anatomical properties of fluorescence intensity in the EGFP transgenic chicken line.
Tsujino K., Okuzaki Y., Hibino N., Kawamura K., Ozaki Y. Ishishita S., *Kuroiwa A., *Iijima S. *Matsuda Y., *Nishijima K., * , 61, 393-401, PMID:31613003 (2019.10)
・Recommendation of Brilliant Blue instead of Fast Green as a dye at in ovo electroporation.
Saito S., Kawamura K., Matsuda Y. * , 61, 402-409, PMID:31612477 (2019.10)
・Self-organized formation of developing appendages from murine pluripotent stem cells.
Mori S., Sakakura E., Tsunekawa Y., Hagiwara M., , *Eiraku M. Nature Communications, 10, 3802, PMID:31444329 (2019.8)
・PRDM14 and BLIMP1 control the development of chicken primordial germ cells.
Okuzaki Y., Kaneoka H., , Hagihara Y., Nakayama Y., Murakami S., Murase Y., Kuroiwa A., Iijima S., *Nishijima KI. 455, 32-41, PMID: 31271752 (2019.8)
・Anatomical integration of the sacral-hindlimb unit coordinated by GDF11 underlies variation in hindlimb positioning in tetrapods.
Matsubara Y., Hirasawa T., Egawa S., Hattori A., Suganuma T., Kohara Y., Nagai T., Tamura K., Kuratani S., *Kuroiwa A., *Suzuki T., Nature Ecology and Evolution, 9, 1392-1399, PMID: 29046533 (2017.9)
・Upstream regulation for initiation of restricted Shh expression in the chick limb bud.
Matsubara H, Saito D, Abe G, Yokoyama H, , *Tamura K. Dev Dyn., 246, 417-430, PMID: 28205287 (2017.5)
・Inactivation of Sonic Hedgehog Signaling and Polydactyly in Limbs of Hereditary Multiple Malformation, a Novel Type of Talpid Mutant.
Matsubara Y, Nakano M, Kawamura K, Tsudzuki M, Funahashi JI, Agata K, Matsuda Y, Kuroiwa A, *Suzuki T. Front Cell Dev Biol. 4, 149, PMID: 28205287 (2016.12)
・Efficient harvesting methods for early-stage snake and turtle embryos.
Matsubara Y, Kuroiwa A, *Suzuki T. Dev Growth Differ. 58, 241-249, PMID: 27059539 (2016.4)
・AP-2β is a transcriptional regulator for determination of digit length in tetrapods.
Seki R., Kitajima K., Matsubara H., Suzuki T., Saito D., Yokoyama H., *Tamura K. Dev Biol., 407, 75-89, PMID: 26277217 (2015.11)
・Quantitative analysis of tissue deformation dynamics reveals three characteristic growth modes and globally-aligned anisotropic tissue deformation during chick limb development.
*Morishita Y., Kuroiwa A., *Suzuki T. Development, 142, 1672-1683, PMID: 25858459 (2015.5)
・An efficient embryonic culture method for the Japanese striped snake, Elaphe quadrivirgata, and its early developmental stages.
Matsubara Y., Sakai A., Kuroiwa A., *Suzuki T. Dev. Growth Differ., 56, 573-582, PMID: 25315231 (2014.10)
・Bayesian inference of whole-organ deformation dynamics from limited space-time point data.
*Morishita Y., Suzuki T ., J. Theor. Biol., 357, 74-85, PMID: 24810841 (2014.9)
・Reconstruction and in vivo analysis of the extinct tbx5 gene from ancient wingless moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes).
Huynen L., Suzuki T., Ogura T., Watanabe Y., Millar C. D., Hofreiter M., Smith C., Mirmoeini S., *Lambert D. M. BMC Evol Biol., 75, 1471-2148, PMID: 24885927 (2014.5)
・Identification of spontaneous mutations within the long-range limb-specific Sonic hedgehog enhancer (ZRS) that alter Sonic hedgehog expression in the chicken limb mutants oligozeugodactyly and silkie breed.
Maas S. A.†, Suzuki T.†, *Fallon J. F. († equal contribution) Dev. Dyn., 240, 1212-1222, PMID: 21509895 (2011.5)
・Identification of a Primary Target of Thalidomide Teratogenicity. Identification of a Primary Target of Thalidomide Teratogenicity.
Ito T.†, Ando H.†, , Ogura T., Hotta K., Imamura Y., Yamaguchi Y., *Handa H., († equal contribution) , 327, 1345-1350, PMID: 20223979 (2010.3)
・Unique SMAD1/5/8 activity at the phalanx-forming region determines digit identity.
Suzuki T., Hasso S. M., *Fallon J. F. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 18, 4185-4190, PMID: 18334652 (2008.3)
・Chick Dach1 interacts with the Smad complex and Sin3a to control AER formation and limb development along the proximodistal axis.
Kida Y, Maeda Y, Shiraishi T, Suzuki T., *Ogura T , Development, 131, 4179-4187, PMID: 15280207 (2004.9)
・Tbx Genes Specify Posterior Digit Identity through Shh and BMP Signaling.
Suzuki T., Takeuchi J. K., Koshiba-Takeuchi K., *Ogura T., Dev. Cell, 6, 43-53, PMID: 14723846 (2004.1)
・Tbx5 and Tbx4 trigger limb initiation through activation of the Wnt/Fgf signaling cascade.
Takeuchi J. K., Koshiba-Takeuchi K., Suzuki T., Kamimura M., Ogura K., *Ogura T . Development, 130, 2729-2739, PMID: 12736216 (2003.6)
・Potentiation of insulin-related signal transduction by a novel protein-tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, Et-3,4-dephostatin, on cultured 3T3-L1 adipocytes.
Suzuki T., Hiroki A., Watanabe T., Yamashita T., Takei I., *Umezawa K., J. Biol. Chem, 276, 27511-27518, PMID: 11342532 (2001.7)
・Structure-activity relationship and rational design of 3,4-dephostatin derivatives as protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors.
Watanabe, T., , Umezawa, Y., *Umezawa, K. , 56, 741-752, PMID: なし (2000.1)
- John F. Fallon -
“Only Embryo knows”
黒岩 厚、*鈴木 孝幸Nature ダイジェスト15, doi : 10.1038/ndigest.2018.180221 (2018.2)
・Transgene introduction into the chick limb bud by electroporation.
Ueda S., Suzuki T., *Mikiko Tanaka. Methods in Molecular Biology: Avian and reptilian Developmental Biology. Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7216-6_13 (2017.9)
松原由幸、*鈴木孝幸 実験医学1月号 p102-106 (2017.1)
・Secondary Smad1/5/8-dependent signaling downstream of SHH determines digit identity.
*Suzuki T. New Principles in Developmental Processes” Eds. Kuroiwa A., Kondo H., Springer, p151-160, doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-54634-4. (2014.3)
・Electroporation into the limb: beyond misexpression.
*Suzuki T. and Ogura T. Electroporation and Sonoporation in Developmental Biology, Springer, p85-p97, doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-09427-2_9 . (2009.2)
*梅沢 一夫、*鈴木孝幸, 蛋白質核酸酵素増刊号Vol. 45 最先端創薬 852-858 (2000.4)
・A quantitative approach to understanding vertebrate limb morphogenesis at the macroscopic tissue level.
*Suzuki T., *Morishita Y. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 45, 108-114, PMID: 28502890 (2017.8)
・Efficient harvesting methods for early-stage snake and turtle embryos.
Matsubara Y, Kuroiwa A, *Suzuki T. Dev Growth Differ. 58, 241-249, PMID: 27059539 (2016.4)
・How is digit identity determined during chick development?
*Suzuki T . Dev. Growth Differ., 240, 1212-1222, PMID: 23230964 (2013.1)
・Congenic method in the chick limb buds by electroporation.
*Suzuki T., Ogura T. Dev. Growth Differ., 15, 23-36, PMID: 18638168 (2008.8)